Sunday, February 7, 2016

Bina's Book Bucket List

I have a million bucket lists floating around. Of course they are all floating around metaphorically in my overstuffed brain! So I thought, hmmm, maybe I will take the time to write out a few books that I absolutely want to make sure to read before I kick the bucket, so to speak. Honestly, I can't say most prestigious people would approve of my list but they aren't the ones who have to be entertained by what I read. I do. And my oh so faithful readers here, too. So without further ado...

1. Les Misérables by Victor Hugo
I absolutely love the stage production of this story and the more recent movie (I haven't seen the non-musical version from 1998) so it would be great to know it in its original form. I love musicals, and although I know the book will not sing to me when I open it, I am sure it will be a great read!
2.  Sense and Sensibility by Jane Austen
This is another of those books made into a movie adaptation that I really enjoyed. It seems like I watch a ton of TV by this list and if you are assuming that then you would be right. However, I read a lot too so I think it balances out! I really loved the challenge of reading Pride and Prejudice when I was younger as well which is just another reason to make this my number two must read for myself.
3. The Mitford Series by Jan Karon
I did read the first book of this series and thought it was cute but it was not really suited to my age group at the time I read it. Now, I am thinking it should be perfect. Can't wait to pick these ones up again.
4. All the books in all the series I am currently reading by All the authors I love!
So this is my list within a list. It includes the seventh and final book in the Lorien Legacies series, United as One by Pittacus Lore, the next book in the Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard series, The Hammer of Thor by Rick Riordan and a very many others!

 If I managed to convince you to read all these books already then I don't know my own persuasive power! If you do, cool. If not, cool. Just hope you enjoyed the blog! Feel free to add to this very incomplete list for me!

1 comment:

  1. I helped with the stage production of Les Mis in high school so I read that one. I like the performance much better ;]
    I always think Gone With the Wind is my bucket list book. I am so interested in the story but I can never seem to finish the book! The writing just doesn’t speak to me I guess. Eventually I will just buckle and watch the movie instead.  
