Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Book Reviews

"Ugh, we have so much CLUTTER" I find myself saying this about once a week! Sometimes more. I am a super big believer in not having a bunch of STUFF. So when I found this book by Karen  Kingston called Clutter Clearing With Feng Shui, I knew I had to read it.
I don't exactly see the world the same way as the author, spiritually. However, looking past that in this book I learned a lot about why people accumulate the things they have and never let them go. Surprisingly, this book along with another played into some health changes I have made, too. If you need a kick in the pants to start cleaning up your junk, this book is the perfect motivator.

In addition to this I just finished The Daniel Plan by Rick Warren. It is a book on healthy eating and healthy living that I just couldn't put down! Nicknamed the Daniel Plan after Daniel from the Bible, this book makes a diet into a "health-style." I have implemented most of the changes from this book in my home already, from cutting out processed foods and cutting down on sugar to adding in more vegetables and exercise. All in all, I was inspired and terrified by the stories of many before me who had awful preventable diseases that could be cured by simply using food as medicine.

I highly recommend these books for people looking to be inspired and whip their health and homes into shape!

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