Thursday, June 16, 2016

Book Reviews 2

You can tell I am sure how much I love to read by the fact that I am almost never online to write about what I read...
So now that crazy statement has sunk in and I am back to share with everyone what I have been reading lately and my oh so humble opinion on it.
First, the Leviathan Trilogy by Scott Westerfeld- this is the second series I have read by Mr. Westerfeld (as much as us readers want to get all personal and call him Scott or call any author by their first name. They feel like friends after all) and it did not disappoint. In fact, despite my wifely and parental duties I managed to read these three rather large books in just a few weeks.
Now Leviathan and its companion novels, Behemoth and Goliath , are an alternate history of World War 1, with the Allies being masters of fabricated creatures and the Central Powers being masters of mechanics and technology. Beasts meet machine in this hard to put down action series, which is sprinkled with just the right amount of romance! I love the kind of story that can inspire me to do a bit of historical research and learn things I failed to remember after each school history test. I highly recommend getting all three of these books at once when buying or checking out at the library. You will be thankful to not have a drive ahead of you in order to complete the story.

The other great book that caused my blogging absence was The Fold by Peter Clines. Despite quite a lot of colorful language (the bad kind, of course) and an inappropriate scene hardly necessary to the story line, this book was brilliant! Although I am not much for science fiction, this story made me come around to the genre in a very surprising way! By adding copious amounts of mystery , Clines ensured readers like me would relish each turn of the page and rue the milliseconds it wasted to do so! I love finding new authors that can possibly even lead me to more books I love.

Hope these encourage you to visit the library or nearest book store and browse the shelves! Happy reading!


  1. So is the Westerfield series Christian? Curious because of the titles of course.

  2. No not particularly. But they are family friendly! :)

  3. No not particularly. But they are family friendly! :)
