Saturday, November 5, 2016


Lately I have been watching this TV show based on a book series from a few years back. It is called Heartland and the books are by Lauren Brooke. It brought up this old memory that had me chuckling at myself all day. Back in second grade I was not much of a reader yet. However, we were required to pick out two chapter books from the school library every few weeks. I guess it was to encourage us to read. Whatever the reason, I just happened to find the Heartland books. I started out getting the first two, then every time I went to the library I would return them and grab the next two books. This continued the entire school year (there are quite a few books in the series). Yet, I never opened one or read it. I think I might have skimmed the first few pages of the first novel, but for some reason I did not read it or any of its follow-ups. I wish I had because it turns out I love the premise. It is all about horses and family. I am shocked that I spent that whole year depriving myself of some really good stories. I could have become a lover of books so much sooner if I had not been such a strange kid! Anyways, kids do some weird things and I was no exception. 

Thank goodness the following year I picked up Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. Without that I might never have gotten into reading. It is scary to think of all the great stuff I missed out on that year. So now I have decided to read each and every one of those books as a gift to little 8 year old me. I am sure they will have been worth the wait!

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